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Ausbon Sargent is pleased to announce that they are the recipient of a $60,000 grant from the New Hampshire Charitable Foundation. This grant is made possible by gifts from the following funds: Caroline Cressman Riggs Rund, Fergus Fund, John F. and Dorothy H. McCabe Environmental Fund, Kineo Fund, Louise W. Schmidt Fund, and the Upper Valley Region Community Fund. The $60,000 will be awarded in increments of $20,000 over three years, and will assist with operating costs at the land trust. We are grateful for this partnership, this gift, and this opportunity. These supporting funds will surely help us through this unprecedented time. Click on the logo below to find out more about this important foundation.
To preserve the rural landscape of the
Mt. Kearsarge/Ragged/Lake Sunapee region.
169 properties / 14,156 acres
in our 12 town service area
Serving the towns of Andover, Bradford, Danbury, Goshen, Grantham, New London, Newbury, Springfield, Sunapee, Sutton, Warner & Wilmot
The Ausbon Sargent Land Preservation Trust is a 501 (c)(3) organization. TIN: 22-2884768
PO Box 2040, 71 Pleasant St., New London, NH 03257 | 603-526-6555 |