On February 11, 2022, The Ausbon Sargent Land Preservation Trust finalized a land conservation project that was almost two years in the making. The 88.40-acre “Between the Mountains Preserve” is on Mountain Road in the town of Newbury. In October of 2020, the property was purchased by Ausbon Sargent, with the assistance from the Town of Newbury and many interested private donors from the town, and friends of the land trust. In order to complete the purchase, an ARM Grant was applied for and awarded, providing $175,000 towards the project. Before the grant funds could be allocated to the land trust, a conservation easement was required to be placed on the property. Ausbon Sargent is happy to report that the easement has been approved by the Town of Newbury, and the land trust has received the funds from the grant; the project has come to a close.
This property adds to an existing wildlife corridor and protects the area watershed. It is open to the public for low impact pedestrian access, although there are no formal hiking trails. Uses permitted include: hiking, photography, snowshoeing, along with hunting and fishing where appropriate on this property.