
  • 14.10 acres
  • 10/97
  • N

Route 11 & Seamans Road, New London

Carol and Bill Baldwin have added their "gateway to New London" meadow on Seaman’s Road and Route 11 to New London’s protected open space. Formerly the Gene Sarazen/Mary Ilnicki property across the road from the Lake Sunapee Country Club entrance, this open space will remain a mowed field forever. As you approach New London from the East, the property fronts two important entry routes into New London (976’ along Seaman’s Road and 654’ on Route 11). The sloping open field is accented with small trees along the downhill drainage. The open space that is offered by such meadows eases our eyes and heart, and draws us gently into the surrounding homes, farms and woods. Within our heavily wooded landscape meadows create precious opportunities for horizon views of the mountains and lakes that we treasure. Indeed, this property was ranked as a "Top" priority in New London’s 1987 Master Plan and had always been on Ausbon Sargent's list of targeted properties.

Open space on these well-traveled roads is critical to both the visitor’s and the resident’s appreciation of this region. Many protected properties provide tangible benefits because of their role in nourishing the ecology of water, plant and animal life. Yet it is the intangible, but obvious beauty of some properties that lift our spirits by drawing us back into our natural world.

Susan Rowett purchased the property from the Baldwins in September of 1999 and on December 19, 2013, the property was transferred to Justin and Erin Garzia.

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