The Webb/Crowell Forest is Complete

 The Webb/Crowell Forest is Complete

Peter Bloch's aerial photo of the Webb/Crowell property in Sutton take using his drone photography.

In August of 2017 Ausbon Sargent was given an 8-acre parcel of land in the Town of Sutton and we gifted this parcel to the Town of Sutton since it is located adjacent to the 86-acre Webb/Crowell Forest which is owned by the Town of Sutton.  The Webb Crowell Forest has frontage on both sides of the Lane River, and an extensive trail network that includes a significant bridge over the Lane River made from a steel I-beam turned on its side.  There are abundant signs of wildlife on the property including moose and deer, and habitat for wildlife is exemplary (highest ranking in the state by the 2015 Wildlife Action Plan). 
Ausbon Sargent was pleased to find that residents at the Sutton Town Meeting in March voted to grant a conservation easement to Ausbon Sargent on the entire 94-acre parcel.  Now that the project is complete, this allows for permanent protection of water quality along the Lane River and protection for the property's high quality wildlife habitat.  We hope you'll take the opportunity to enjoy the property.  This allows for permanent protection of water quality along the Lane River, recreational opportunities for local hikers, and the property’s high quality wildlife habitat.  We are pleased to announce that this work was completed on April 26, 2019.