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The donated Sorento Conservation Easement is a beautiful, undeveloped mix of fields and forests with a stream that flows through the southeastern portion of the property. These characteristics provide a natural habitat for many woodland birds, animals, reptiles, amphibians and insects. The soils are highly ranked for forest production.
There is a snowmobile trail that winds through the Sorento easement and the property will remain open for low impact public recreation. This 37-acre conservation easement is also near other protected land including Ausbon Sargent's Wendell Marsh easements, NH Fish and Game's Dobles Tract, and the Town of Sunapee's Webb-Flint Lot and Dewey Woods Preserve.
Thank you to the Sunapee Conservation Commission for their Stewardship contribution to ensure that Ausbon Sargent can watch overthe Sorento property forever. Ausbon Sargent now protects 136 properties covering 11,040 acres of land in its 12-town region.
To preserve the rural landscape of the
Mt. Kearsarge/Ragged/Lake Sunapee region.
169 properties / 14,156 acres
in our 12 town service area
Serving the towns of Andover, Bradford, Danbury, Goshen, Grantham, New London, Newbury, Springfield, Sunapee, Sutton, Warner & Wilmot
The Ausbon Sargent Land Preservation Trust is a 501 (c)(3) organization. TIN: 22-2884768
PO Box 2040, 71 Pleasant St., New London, NH 03257 | 603-526-6555 |