Ausbon Sargent worked closely with the Bradford Conservation Commission to assist them in their goal to offer perpetual protection to these two town owned parcels of Bradford Bog / Bradford Hotel and Springs, located close to one another on the East Washington Road at the Bradford/Washington town line.
In addition to the quaking bog, the easement protects an Atlantic white cedar swamp, a rare natural community, containing long lived Atlantic white cedar trees capable of exceeding 300 years of age. A few of the trees on the property have been aged at 150 years. Atlantic white cedar swamps are increasingly rare and only 500+/- acres of such habitat remain in New Hampshire. Human activities in the surrounding uplands, such as road construction, development, logging, gravel mining and landfills can affect the integrity of these rare swamps. The NH Natural Heritage Bureau recommends conservation as a priority to protect the remaining examples against direct and indirect threats to Atlantic white cedar swamps in New Hampshire.
Bog Brook flows into the northern end of Bradford Bog and is joined by the Cedar Brook on the Bradford Hotel and Springs parcel. The public can enjoy the trails in the area and a board walk, which leads to the bog with an observation tower that provides impressive views of the open area and the hills beyond.
On the south side of East Washington Road is the Bradford Springs parcel, which includes the site of the historic Bradford Springs Hotel marked by cellar holes, a kiosk and a plaque. Guests came to the region starting in the late 1830’s until 1917 to partake of the medicinal sulfurous waters at the octagonal springhouse. The cellar hole remains and the reconstructed spring house resides at Musterfield Farm in Sutton.