Mary "Mimi" West, Edward "Ted" Anthony and Helen James gave five acres of land at the Corner of Columbus Ave. and Route 103A to the Town of New London with a conservation easement being held by Ausbon Sargent.
Though small in size, this parcel is part of the large buffer zone of land between I-89 and Route 103A, which was identified by the Lake Sunapee Protective Association, and the New London Conservation Commission as critical to the watershed protection of Lake Sunapee. The property is within the Herrick Cove watershed, which drains into Lake Sunapee. Predominantly wetland with a mixture of soft and hard wood forest, the vegetation provides wildlife habitat and is important to the water quality of the lake Sunapee watershed, as if filters the water run-off from storms. The forest growth also provides a visual and acoustic barrier to the highway.