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On July 5, 2023, the Ausbon Sargent Land Preservation Trust finalized the donation of a conservation easement on the 144-acre Messer Farm property in New London. Ausbon Sargent owns and manages the property, but to further ensure its protection, The Society for the Protection of NH Forests (the Forest Society) will now hold a conservation easement on it. The implementation of this easement will solidify the promise made to many donors who supported Ausbon Sargent in purchasing Messer Farm in 2020.
Brian Hotz, Vice President of Land Conservation at the Forest Society said, “The Messer Farm property is truly a unique property and community resource. The Forest Society is happy to hold a conservation easement on this land and to help Ausbon Sargent Land Preservation Trust permanently conserve this important property.”
The iconic Messer Farm property in New London, NH lies in the heart of town, and will now be protected from development, forever. This property includes 22 acres of fields, designated as “prime farmland of statewide importance” which are currently leased to neighboring Spring Ledge Farm. Ausbon Sargent will continue this lease and will encourage the continuance of responsible farming.
The property also consists of 122 acres of forest, which includes a network of recreational footpaths, which are in varying stages of completion, as well as the headwaters of White Brook, which feeds into Pleasant Lake. The Land Trust will maintain and protect the woodlands and wetlands, streams and wildlife habitats that are present on the property.
The Ausbon Sargent Land Preservation Trust now protects 165 properties comprising 13,541 acres of land in the 12 towns it serves.
To preserve the rural landscape of the
Mt. Kearsarge/Ragged/Lake Sunapee region.
169 properties / 14,156 acres
in our 12 town service area
Serving the towns of Andover, Bradford, Danbury, Goshen, Grantham, New London, Newbury, Springfield, Sunapee, Sutton, Warner & Wilmot
The Ausbon Sargent Land Preservation Trust is a 501 (c)(3) organization. TIN: 22-2884768
PO Box 2040, 71 Pleasant St., New London, NH 03257 | 603-526-6555 |