The Wendell Marsh Expansion project adds 40 acres of undeveloped land to the existing 290 acres that has already been protected in the Wendell Marsh area. In the 1960’s, NH Fish and Game began conservation efforts in the Wendell Marsh area by protecting 10 acres of land referred to as the Wendell Marsh Wildlife Area. Ausbon Sargent helped to protect Wendell Marsh North (136 acres) in 2013 and Wendell Marsh South (143 acres) in 2015.
Wendell Marsh is located in Sunapee along NH Route 11. By protecting this area, we protect the scenic view for people traveling along Route 11, but more importantly, we protect an extensive wetland area and the water quality of the Sugar River. This area is also important for migratory waterfowl and other species that nest in the wetland vegetation.
Dr. Jolyon Johnson was instrumental in helping this project to become a reality. In addition, thanks go to the Town of Sunapee, the Burton D. Morgan Foundation, the Sunapee Conservation Commission and the many people who made a donation to this project. The Town of Sunapee owns the land and Ausbon Sargent holds the conservation easement on the property and will steward the property forever.
Other Wendell Marsh Conservation Easement Properties:
Wendell Marsh North
Wendell Marsh South