Sargent (A & B)

  • 28.60 acres
  • 3/89
  • L
Sargent (A & B)

Pleasant Street & Lake Shore Road, New London

The original owners of this property were Rachel and Murray Sargent, who donated an easement to the Town of New London in 1989. The field property (A) is 21 acres of active farmland adjacent to Pleasant Lake. This portion of the property is now owned by John Clough and farmed by Spring Ledge Farm. Through the years, the fields have been used for various vegetable and fruit crops. Currently, the only crop is strawberries (and buckwheat to enrich the soil in the off-season), managed by Spring Ledge Farm. This field will remain as open space devoted to agriculture, and continue to offer a fine view of Mt. Kearsarge. 

A second easement was donated by the Sargents on Great Brook (B), extending for 3,000 feet along the course of the brook and for 100 feet on each side. This portion of the property is now owned by John Clough and Mary Alger.

The Town of New London Conservation Commission holds the conservation easement and Ausbon Sargent holds the executory (back-up) interest.



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