
  • 42.44 acres
  • 12/90
  • U

Little Sunapee Road, New London

This property - placed in easement by Dr. Edward "Ted" Parkhurst and Loren "John" Sjostrom - is an important part of the Little Lake Sunapee watershed. With a Class A water quality indexes, Little Lake Sunapee is used by many as a source of drinking water (including the water system of New London from wells on Colby Point, which is surrounded by Little Lake Sunapee). The conservation easement prohibits development and requires the property to remain a forest. The land now sits between two other protected properties. All are contributing to wildlife habitat, the water quality, and maintaining the forested rural quality of land surrounding the lake.

Ted Parkhurst became the sole owner of this land when he bought out John Sjostrom in 7/98. Ted passed away in February 2004.  In November of 2014, Deb Hoover purchased this property.

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