Winter 2023

  • Annual Meeting Recap and LCHIP Announcement - Get an update about changes to the ASLPT Board, and learn about a successful LCHIP application to help with a land project in Bradford.
  • Property Updates - Read about two new properties protected by the Land Trust.
  • A Few Words About Debbie Stanley - Some past Board Chairs offered a few words of thanks about our retiring Executive Director, who retires June 2023.
  • Conservation Plan Update - Learn about the Land Trust's updated Conservation Plan and how it helps to target important areas to conserve in our region.
  • Stewardship Planning - Read about stewardship and the Land Trust's obligation to protect it's properties forever.
  • The "Sweetest" Properties - Maple sugaring is done on several of ASLPT's protected properties. Learn about how and why these families have taken up the practice.
  • Preparing for Springtime Pollinators - Learn how you can support pollinators this spring with your own garden.

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